Can Crusher 12 Ounce OZ

Can Crusher 12 Ounce OZ

Monday, October 22, 2012

Two-Hearted Killer (A Short Vietnam War Sketch, in Cam Ranh Bay, and an Attack)

Two-Hearted Killer (A Short Vietnam War Sketch, in Cam Ranh Bay, and an Attack)

(Interjectory background) This story takes place in Can Ranh Bay, Vietnam, 1971; it is a deep water bay in the province of Khanh Hoa, inlet of the South China Sea, 180-miles northeast of Saigon. It is thought about a vital military base; the Navy, Air Force and Army are stationed there in great numbers. In the past one-hundred years it has been thought about a strategic point in the providing port for military champignons, supplying, and other military adventures. The Japanese have used in the early 1940s to invade Malaysia, the United States as early as 1944, used it as a task force to destroy Japanese facilities thereabouts. In 1964 (to the end of the war in 1975), the Seventh Fleet took up resonance there until the Army took over wholly in about 1972, and the Russians used it for twenty-fives years, in the seventies to the nineties, and although there has not been a lot of conflict at Cam Ranh Bay, thought about at times to have been a resting area for the Us Infantry, away from combat, it has also been a storehouse area of mentions, which the Viet Cong has on occasion, infiltrated and took large sums of arms to re-supply their troops. In addition, in 1969, and 1971, there were attacks on Cam Ranh, this is a story that involves one of those attacks, in which the author was involved.

Two-Hearted Killer (A Short Vietnam War Sketch, in Cam Ranh Bay, and an Attack)

The Story

Can Crusher

Two-Hearted Killer (A Short Vietnam War Sketch, in Cam Ranh Bay, and an Attack)

Two-hearted Killer
Chapter One

Two-Hearted Killer (A Short Vietnam War Sketch, in Cam Ranh Bay, and an Attack)

Two-Hearted Killer (A Short Vietnam War Sketch, in Cam Ranh Bay, and an Attack)

"Why did you come to Vietnam to fight?" said Frenchie.

"I suppose at first it was for an ideal," said Chick Evens.

"Will your ideal save you if you get shot?"

"So I have to fight well, and shoot straight."

"I don't believe anyone I hear, and I don't believe in luck, but I am like you, I have to do what I'm supposing to do, to survive, for my husband, for my duty."

"I know, husbands are to be obeyed, and so are Army Officers, and so are the Congressmen in the United States to the President of the United States, it all comes from the top."

(The wind opens the door, and it shuts again.)

"Are my friends, those sleeping here in the hooch, your customers also?"

"The Buck Sergeant is. He gets very ugly when he is drunk."

"I know, I had it out with him a few weeks ago, a fight to the death almost. The other two are alright."

"When you put on your uniform, you are a soldier, and when I put on my makeup and come here, I am working for my ideal, just like you."

"You're awfully pretty," perceive Evens.

"You have nice manners for a soldier," said Frenchie. "Darling, kiss me!"

"If I do, we stop talking then. I like boozing, and talking and smoking all at the same time."

"Really?" she commented "whatever you like dear." Adding, "I read in a book, American men try to get the woman he is interested is, into bed with boozing it up, that's silly, he and she can't do a thing drunk."

"I suppose your right, but you're a serious lover, Americans are not, sex is like having breakfast, good, and then goodbye."

"Do you want some more breakfast?" (She kisses him.)

"What do you want me to do?" Evens asked.

"Lift my dress up over my shoulders, I don't want to get it wrinkled anymore than I have to, this bed is so small."

"Right," (he does) "now what?"

"Let's do the whole thing all over again, make love."

"Very well, Frenchie, but I hope I don't go to sleep on you." (They both start laughing, to the point of roughly choking.)

"Twice in one night is too much!" said Evens.

"You owe me six-dollars, remember I'll procure on payday," says Frenchie with a smile. Evens drop back down in bed.)

"How long you been in the Army?"

"I got three months to go, been in for 21-months."

(He looks for the bottle of rice wine they had been drinking, finds it alongside his bed, there is a few drops left, he holds it up in the air, lets the wine dribble into his mouth, it is a microscopic more the than what he conception left in the bottle, and it dribbles on his chin.)

"I know you only fee me a microscopic compared to the rest of the guys, and on credit, but you sleep here every time you come nearby this business area, and you know you're safe with me. Here give me your money, I'll put it under my pillow, pick it up tomorrow morning. Too late to go back to the settlement now, you'll be raped by whether the drunken Gi's walking about, or the cowboys, those juvenile gangsters at the village."

"Thank you corporal, I was hoping you'd ask me to stay the night, and hide my money for me, like last time."

(She hands him her money it is in a fat roll, with a piece of cloth tied nearby it.)

"Wow, this is a lot of dough, how much?"

"Five-hundred dollars."

"In one night?"

"I fee the other soldiers in the middle of ten and twenty-five dollars."

"Thanks," said Evens, "come on, we great go to sleep, my First Sergeant checks out the hooch and if he finds you here, there can be problems, although he has his share of girls in his personal den."

"You never did tell me about any of the people you killed in war."

"No, please don't ask:"

(You can hear it beginning to rain covering the hooch, Chick Evens gets up and walks over to the door, shuts it, ties it shut with a loose string. And quietly walks back to his bed. Frenchie, a gorgeous whore, half French and Vietnamese, reaches under Evens' bed, finds an additional one bottle of Japanese Rice Wine, and fines the corkscrew and opens the bottle.)

"Look what I found," she tells Evens.

"Forgot, I had an additional one one there."

"What's the matter, dear?"

"You look serious again; I hope I don't have to pay you -dollars on payday." (And they both start laughing.)

"Move over, let me drink it sitting up." (She hands him the bottle.)

"I can't ever talk to anyone about war, they never tell me a thing, I want to know, darling you tell me, it's just a hang-up. There are two-hundred thousand American soldiers here, and not one will tell me a thing. Why?"

"Don't be silly, war is no game."

"But I want to know, know something, anyone about war, not just that American Gi's want sex now and then."

"Two months ago, I was in Saigon, at a hotel, other Americans there, some Vietcong, you know how they dress, just like you and the South Vietnamese Army, you can't tell who is who, an American soldier is in his room laying on his bed, they come in, three of them, and the boy starts to cry, he sees their Ak-47s, the Russian made rifles, and they shoot, I hear the shots, and the cry, and I run to his room, he's a friend, opportunity the door, they are jumping covering the window; the filthy bastards, they shot his head roughly off his neck. Not one bullet, twenty bullets. That my dear is what you call a dead man; he was supposed to come to Cam Ranh Bay with me, but somebody shot him first. We were in the bush together for six months."

"Who shot him?" she asked.

"Lady you're in a war zone, whoever, that is who. Hurry up and drink what you want and give me the bottle."

(He commences to lie back in the bed.)

"Sorry I had you bring it up...!"

(In a tired voice) "Don't ask me anyone else please. I don't want to remember."

"I'd like to ask you one more thing, and you don't have to pay me the .00 dollars you owe me so far."


"Do you think people like shooting people for the heck of it? I mean, when they get used to killing do they like to kill more?"

"Yeah, I think they do. The sergeant I got in a fight with here, signed up six times to stay in Vietnam, to kill more...he's got the bug to kill."

"Truly?" she asked.

"How do you know?"

"Go ask him, I'll wake him up for you. Plus I know fullness guys like him."

"Oh no, I'm scared of him."

"What's his name?"

"I don't know, I can't remember off hand, but I call him The Crusher, he looks like a wrestler in Minnesota I once saw, went to a wrestling match and saw him fight, both the Sergeant and the real Crusher were muscle-bound, but the Sergeant has no sense."

"Did you kill anybody?" (Evens starts to choke, takes an additional one drink of wine.)

"On guard duty once, I killed an American who wouldn't yield, the Vc made him approach me with a hand-grenade in his hand, ready to throw it, and they were watching him from the undergrowth, ready to shoot him if he didn't, it was him or I, it was in the middle of the night, no one else around. I shot him and then into the shrubbery; killed three in the bushes. You satisfied now?"

"Well, I guess nobody understands the war, but you're all here, are you ever going to write about me and the war?"

"Someday I'd like to put it down in writing, but I don't know how to yet."

"If you ever do will you write nice things about me, not how I danced with your friends last time I saw you, remember I danced naked, and did all those things?"

"Frenchie, you made everybody happy, I'll never forget you, if I do write about you, it will be with the truth, and, well, with a sure amount of thanks and fatigue." (She laughed.)

"When you write, I wish you a lot of luck!"

"Why did they shoot your friend?"

"I think by mistake, and when they saw their mistake, they wanted to set an example so other Gi's would be fearful of the enemy. They weren't awfully efficient; we all kill a lot of people over here, and we shouldn't kill. The trouble is, people put us in harms way, and it becomes them or us, somebody ten-thousand miles away, who don't have to deal with this dilemma. Politicians, big industry, that is what it is all about, and they get boys like me, men I should say, young men with ideals, and they never watch us slobber our lives away, if they did, they may have some pity on us, and stop such foolish wars like this."

"Yes. I suppose you're right."

"You and I could die alright, we don't ask one an additional one to do something we're not willing to do ourselves, but up there in Washington, they sort us out by classes, who are the dispensable." (Frenchie shakes her head.)

"They are the real killers, right Evens?" (The rain covering is pouring down like cats and dogs, production noise against the door.)

"After killing for six bloody months, my girl, in this country, you get sucked in on all sides, you don't know who to trust, what is right and wrong, you quiz, your values, and the folks you once believed in. It's all too bloody much."

"We ought to go to sleep," said Frenchie.

"Yes, I'm tired also."

"That's right, let's just close our eyes here, and go to sleep."

(They both close their eyes; she reopens her's, looks towards Evens.)

"You sleeping?" she asks. (Evens, no response, she whispers :) "I hope you write nice things about me," and closes her eyes again, and falls to sleep.

3-28-2009 /Historical Fiction (based on actual events) 1732 "Two-hearted Killer"

ViÇt ngï: attack!

Chapter Two

"Cái th±ng chÓng em nó ch³ng ra gì," said Frenchie.

"I know what that means, said Evens.

"No you don't," said Frenchie, "and my name is Mai, not Frenchie," she commented, "and my ancestors were Muong, Cambodian, and Chinese, Ông ¥y. You know what Ông ¥y means?"

"I wish you'd let me sleep, stop waking me up, I speak as good ViÇt ngï (Vietnamese) as you, or just about as well as you. It means 'that husband of mine, he is good for nothing,' and then you referred to me as sir, and I'm not a sir I'm a corporal."

You unquestionably do understand, don't you?" said Mia.

"Yes ChË ¥y (young lady)" said corporeal Evens.

"So all this time you've been fooling those nearby you?"

"Just like you, who just told me your name, Mia? I still haven't mastered the vowels, and their pronunciation with that possible tone to them."

"I teach you?"

"I wish I could teach you to go to sleep and stay sleeping, what time is it?"

Mia looked at her watch, "It 2:00 a.m." she said.

"By god, don't you Vietnamese women ever sleep? Be a good girl and let me go back to sleep?"

"You just need to learn the pitch in the language that is kind of the loudness, if you know what I mean?"

"You have to have an ear for that, and that takes too long, I'll be long gone by then I hope."

"Why do you Gi's call us gooks?"

"It's just a way to dehumanize you, so we can kill you, make you less than human, so when we pull the trigger, we think we're killing rat, not a human being."

"Oh, I never know why you call that to us. Am I gook?"

"Mia and me have no more bí m­t, what will we talk about now?"

"This is not true, I do have secrets, I will not tell you, and I know you have more secrets, but sometimes it is good to keep them to oneself."

"Gosh, I wonder sometimes why I like you!" said Evens.

"I wonder why I like you, too, darling. It is not very wise, really. You will go, and I will stay, and we will think of each other for forty-years, I wonder what she is doing, I wonder what he is doing, and we old, and never know."

(They both hear foot steps walking by the door, they stop.)

"Who is that, Corporal?" asked Mia.

"The Cq, he checks things out, he may come in hear, I think he heard us, so he may give us his blessing, and walk on by, if not you will have to go."

"Does he ever come in the hooch?"

"He never does really, I wished he'd not come tonight."

"He won't. He likes you like me."

"I hope not," said Evens, with a chuckle.

Sergeant Thompson looks through the door, Mia, hides under the covers, How're you, very well, corporeal Evens?" he asks. He sees all is well, gives the corporeal a smile, "thought I heard something, maybe you had some kind of sort you aren't supposed to have; looks like all is all right thought: everybody unquestionably comfortable?"

"Everybody's marvelous," said Evens.

"Well, don't talk to yourself so loud, you'll wake up your comrades."

"Sure enough, Sergeant." (And he left walking back to the Orderly Room to make out paperwork that all was well on his shift.)

"Tell me what happened last month when I was gone back to see my house in Cambodia, I hear there was an attack?" asked Mia.

"If I do, then will you let me sleep? I wish you'd have been here, you like the action."

"Damn that electric, everything's out, it does that every other night, under the bed are some candles, give me the box ok?"

Mia rolled over in the bed and stretched her arm under it, feeling for the box, brings it up, and hands it to Evens, Evens pulls out a short fat candle, lights it, puts it on a wooden crate, used for fruit, he got from the mess hall.

"I was, chía hoang " (pregnant out of wedlock)" said Mia.

"Is that why your husband makes you do what you do?"

"He is old man, and marries me when I was sixteen years old."

"I hope they fix the electricity." (She reaches for the wine, opens the top, by unscrewing it, and drinks some.)

"He likes to drink a microscopic like you, he just a poor microscopic man, it is a shame he get old."

"Of course, Mia."

"I hope this gives you pleasure, it doesn't me."

"But I want to know about war, I know you are very brave man."

"I know I am, every time there is a conflict, or combat, or mission I have to remind myself of that, sometimes even convince far so good."

"Say, corporeal Evens, this third bottle I screwed open. Why?"

"Cheap wine, that's why, from America. So now I have to call you Mia, maybe I can put a hyphen in the middle and call you Frenchie-Mia?"

"You are funny again. Come on, tell me what happened."

"There's some left in the second bottle, cease that first, even if it's only a few drops." She reaches for the other bottle, puts the stem in her mouth and drops her head backwards, and takes one small swallow.

"Very little," she remarks, and grabs the second bottle, and takes a gulp.

"And what did you do when the performance started, corporal?"

"You're sure you want to know?"

"I let you sleep if you tell me."

(Evens and Mia, can here the man called Crusher snoring.)

They both sit back in the bed. She grabs his hands as if the story is going to be spellbinding. He swats a few flies that are pestering him. A cockroach falls threw a hole in the tin ceiling of the hooch onto Evens' forehead, it is as long as his index finger, and as thick, it bites him, he swats it away.

"Damn bugs. I swear they're all over tonight; flies, cockroaches and you."

"Well, Mia-"he began, "it all started nearby 11:00 p.m., suddenly at night, 107 mm rockets hit the three ammo dumps, Charlie dump was empty, Alpha dump was not, and the Air Force dump with up like an atomic bomb, and they hit all over the bay, slamming down everywhere, the Viet Cong came down from the hills, and nobody had rifles in their hands ready to do a thing, they were all in the arms room, and I opened it, while Charlie (the enemy) ran nearby all these business areas into the healing clinic and orderly rooms, places they knew people were helpless, and everybody know quiet Cam Ranh Bay, seldom gets hit, it is more a safe zone in Vietnam, so no one was prepared and 19-soldiers got killed, one in the Air Force Ammo Dump, and the sappers ((commandos)(Pavn or Viet Cong)) were throwing satchel charges everywhere, everywhichway (demolition devices like a fee of dynamite, C-4 plastic, a carrying devise like a bag, often times with an triggering mechanism; customized).

They were fast and ready, Crusher was sleeping, the orderly room clerk had no gun, and person was trying to get through the window of the orderly room, and the Cq, knew it wasn't an American solider, so he ran and hid behind the water tank. I shot several round from my magazine, and gave several rifles out, but no one know were the gunners were in the hills, so the infantry we have here, me among the few, couldn't run after them, I think they had some galvanic devises on those guns they fired from the hills. Actually, we had just done watching a movie on the outdoor amphitheater. The Mp's (Military Police) next to this business weren't even prepared. Eleven of us had to go out and hunt Alpha Dump for Charlie, the rest of the soldiers, about 140, were too high on dope or drunk to fight. Rockets kept advent in until morning, sporadically."

"Very good, you are lucky," said Mia.

No. I am not lucky, the hell with luck," the corporeal took an additional one drink of the wine, "They beat us that day, they truly beat us."

"Life is like that, we must now make plans about other things."

"The world for Americans is very small, for us, it is very big."

Evens noticed how pleasant it still was to be with her, he'd miss her, he knew that, and he fell to sleep. She let him sleep, said in a whisper as she got out of bed, it was 4:30 p.m., taking her money from under the pillow, "You are very brave corporal, and lucky, I'll bring your luck with me." She looked at him, he was handsome. Up the road, the young woman was roughly sleepwalking back to her settlement down by the South China Sea, she was so tired, but she didn't want to get him in trouble in the morning. She knew now he was dreaming about the battle they had talked about because he was saying things to his male companions they only say in battles.

Two-Hearted Killer (A Short Vietnam War Sketch, in Cam Ranh Bay, and an Attack)

HP Photosmart Printer Copier Endgame John Mauldin, Jonathan Tepper

Sunday, September 16, 2012

self-acting Can Crusher: Clever and convenient Tool You Will Want to Have in Your Home

self-acting Can Crusher: Clever and convenient Tool You Will Want to Have in Your Home

When you need a drink but you don't want to go out of your house, or you want your friends to come over and have some fun, what do you do? You would be glad to have some cans of beer at home or you would want to grab a few six-packs of sodas from the nearest convenience store. After everything though, those aluminum cans might be too many to throw all at once to your garbage bin. With too many aluminum cans to dispose, there are times when your garbage bin would have no space to keep it all. But it will not overflow, thanks to the space conserved by crushing those aluminum cans with the use of self-operating can crusher.

self-acting Can Crusher: Clever and convenient Tool You Will Want to Have in Your Home

self-acting Can Crusher: Clever and convenient Tool You Will Want to Have in Your Home

self-acting Can Crusher: Clever and convenient Tool You Will Want to Have in Your Home

self-acting Can Crusher: Clever and convenient Tool You Will Want to Have in Your Home

self-acting Can Crusher: Clever and convenient Tool You Will Want to Have in Your Home

An self-operating can crusher is one of the tools we are so used of seeing that most of us are not in effect very challenging anymore as to how it was created at first. In the past the early can crushers are manually operated. The first can crusher was said to be the human feet, but some would say it was a heavy mallet. Stomping on the aluminum can to flatten it for recycling might look all too easy to do, but that could hurt your feet. That being so, it may be safe to infer that men during those early times had come up to a logical clarification of crushing cans without using their own bodies.

These clever contraptions have evolved as time goes by. Every machine from way back has been given more class and sophistication. Now we have the self-operating ones which made this trifling yet pretty laborious task so much easier.

Can crushers are quite handy to have in your home. You can setup a can crusher in a well-suited location in your house. In most houses can crushers are attached somewhere in the kitchen. If you do have a bar area, that would be a great place to find your crusher.

It is so easy to make your own can crusher which you will have to operate manually. You can get some tools that are in effect found in your house to make your own crusher. Hand-operated crushing may take too much endeavor to do though and that's why self-operating can crushers are more popular.

An self-operating can crusher is easy to setup and even easier to use. There are also a lot of models and units out in the market. The price range averages from and on up depending on its features and can crushing capacities.

With the many aluminum cans you need to crush for recycling or for conservation of garbage bin space after every drinking party with your friends, having an self-operating can crusher may be a life saver.

self-acting Can Crusher: Clever and convenient Tool You Will Want to Have in Your Home

Atomic Weather Alert Radio

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Lobster Biology

Lobster Biology

Lobsters are invertebrates, which belong to the Crustacean class of the Phylum Arthropoda. There are two different families of lobsters existing in the United States. They are the American lobster and the spiny lobster. American lobsters are clawed lobsters which are classified under the taxonomic house Nephropidae, or large nautical crustaceans. Spiny lobsters are without claws, but with a pair of horns that can be seen above the eyes. You can find five pairs of jointed legs in a lobster. They come in a range of colors, sizes, and forms. Their sizes range from 1-12 inches.

Lobster Biology

Lobster Biology

Lobster Biology

Lobster Biology

Lobster Biology

The basic parts of a lobster contain abdomen, antennules, antennae, crusher claw, pincher claw, carapace, cephalothorax, pereiopods, eye, maxillipeds, telson, uropods, and mandible.

Abdomen is the tail section of the lobster which is composed of seven segments. Antennae are sensory organs, which functions as a chemoreceptor. Antennules help to perceive distant odors. The external shell of the cephalothorax is called carapace. Cephalothorax, one of the main parts of a lobster, is covered by the carapace. It is made up of the head and the thorax. The larger claws are called as the crusher claws. These are very useful for crushing prey. Ripper or pincher claws are the smaller claws. A lobster has a pair of compound eyes providing sense of sight. The functions of the mandibles and maxillipeds are to grip and shred its food. Pereiopods are two sets of walking legs convenient for burrowing. Central tail fin is called telson and outer pairs of tail fins are known as uropods.

Lobsters live in burrows in the muddy areas at the lowest of the ocean. Smaller ones are called as lobsterettes. Similar to all arthropods, lobsters must molt in order to grow, leaving them vulnerable during this time. Most lobsters are carnivores and feed on clams, carrion, mussels, snails, worms, sea urchin, and other lobsters.

Like the grasshopper, the nervous ideas of a lobster is very primitive. almost 100,000 neurons are present in a lobster. Usually, the color of its blood is grayish. The large blood vessels circulate its blood from the heart which is settled behind the stomach. Lobsters take in oxygen from the water straight through the gills, found in the lobsters' thorax section.

Lobster Biology

Esata Splitter Cable Mothers Day Flowers

Friday, July 6, 2012

Causes of Low Semen Volume

Causes of Low Semen Volume

Having low semen volume can be a real belief crusher for a sexually active male. There are few things in life that are worse than expecting one thing and getting another, and for those men out there that suffer from low semen volume life can be like that a great deal. One of the things that many of these men spend their times doing is trying to find out the distinct causes of low semen volume and form out why it is happening to them, as this used to be the only way of dealing with the problem. These days there are other ways of expanding semen volume and without even having to know the cause of it, there are some surefire methods of fixing the problem.

Causes of Low Semen Volume

Causes of Low Semen Volume

Causes of Low Semen Volume

Causes of Low Semen Volume

Causes of Low Semen Volume

Foods that growth Semen Volume

There are some foods out there that are known to help growth a man's semen volume. Foods that are especially rich in vitamins and minerals are great for helping out men who suffer from low semen volume. Foods that are rich in iron article are also great ways of helping to growth the size of a man's load, and drinking plentifulness of water never hurts things either. Water makes a lot of physical functions go that much more smoothly, and semen volume is certainly one of the things that are included in this. If you are eating adequate and eating adequate of the right things, having a problem with semen volume shouldn't be a problem at all. For those men that are doing all of this and more, there are some other solutions out there that are worth trying. Semen volume pills go right to the cause of low semen volume and cure it from there.

Semenax and Volume Pills

Semenax and Volume Pills are some of the most popular male volume improving supplements on the store today. They work just like a regular vitamin and bring all of the critical vitamins and minerals to the body that it needs in order to get the larger ejaculation. Having a bigger load is foremost to men for distinct reasons; some see it as a belief booster, others are finding for more satisfaction during sexual intercourse, and others are finding to make a baby. Bigger loads directly contribute to a man's fertility.

Finding out the cause of your low semen volume is not going to be easy, but you can skip the details and look into good food or supplementation to help with your semen volume problem today. It sounds like a horrible thing to take a pill to growth your semen volume, but it is much more tasteless than any man would ever even stop to think.

Causes of Low Semen Volume

Stage 4 Baby Diapers Adult baby velcro cloth diapers

Thursday, May 31, 2012

The 10 Best Arm building Exercises for starting Bodybuilders

The 10 Best Arm building Exercises for starting Bodybuilders

Everybody has fun with "Top 10" lists, and they sometimes include data that you can de facto use to heighten your life or perform a personal goal. If you're serious about construction big, muscular arms, then this is the list for you! But before I give you my Top 10 list for arm-building success, let me account for my choice criteria.

The 10 Best Arm building Exercises for starting Bodybuilders

The 10 Best Arm building Exercises for starting Bodybuilders

The 10 Best Arm building Exercises for starting Bodybuilders

The 10 Best Arm building Exercises for starting Bodybuilders

The 10 Best Arm building Exercises for starting Bodybuilders

First, the exercises on this list are simple and for beginners who need to start with a solid foundation in arm-building fundamentals in order to perform long-term success from their biceps, triceps and forearm workouts. Though I've said that these exercises are simple, this does not mean that they're easy. Their simplicity lies in the intuitive benefits that come from each arm-building movement and the fact that you can do these exercises with a minimal time commitment. Getting the most from these exercises will still wish true attentiveness to training technique and workout range - the 2 keys to arm-building success that are not all the time easy for beginning bodybuilders.

In my experience, you're a beginner if you've been training your arms once or twice per week for 6 months or less. You're also a beginner if you been trying to build your arms for more than 6 months with exercises other than those in case,granted on my list. Why? Because if you haven't mastered the arm-building exercises listed in my Top 10, you're not ready for the intermediate or developed workout methods that you'll ultimately need to build truly Awesome Arms.

Second, to make my Top 10 list, the equipment needed for each arm-building rehearsal must be universally available. That means that you can do all of these exercises with dumbbells, an Ez-curl bar and a basic workout bench which you can find in any gym or condition club. You can also do these exercises at home with a very small venture in this equipment for your home gym. There's no need for fancy machines or trendy gimmicks here.

Finally, each of my Top 10 arm-building exercises will help you to simultaneously build mass, shape and power in your biceps, triceps and forearms. These muscle areas are directly targeted during each rehearsal to maximize increase and efficiency from your workouts.

Now that I've told you how I came up with my list, here are the Top 10 exercises for construction the big, muscular arms that you desire! They're not listed in any particular order, so there's no hypothesize to think that one particular rehearsal is good than another. You must determine what works best for you straight through experimentation with each exercise. But rest assured that any arm-building schedule that includes all of these exercises will surely add inches, symmetry and power to your biceps, triceps and forearms.

1. Ez Bar Preacher Curls

The Ez bar preacher curl is one of my all time favorite biceps exercises. The preacher bench is a terrifying training tool as it troops the biceps to work in relative isolation from the back and shoulders. Unlike standing barbell curls which regularly involve biceps-cheating torso swing, preacher curls keep your arms at an angle that troops your biceps to provide the leverage needed to lift the weight. The Ez curl bar offers both narrow-grip and wide-grip hand positions. When you use the narrow grip, your hands are in a semi-neutral position and therefore increase involvement of the brachioradialis in the curling motion. If you have no feel with preacher curls, you should probably begin with the narrow-grip position.

As you become more experienced with this rehearsal you should move to the wider grip as it troops supination or a "palms up" positioning of your hands. Since the biceps function primarily as a hand-supinator, the more you supinate your hands the more resistance you will place on your biceps. If you've got the possible to build biceps peaks, Ez bar preacher curls will de facto tap that potential.

2. Dumbbell Preacher Curls

The dumbbell preacher curl is someone else one of my favorite biceps builders. This rehearsal de facto allows you to make the mind-body association so significant to arm-building success. While many competitive bodybuilders use this rehearsal exclusively as a "shaper" during pre-contest training, the dumbbell preacher curl also works as a gigantic mass builder when used in a pyramid cycle. In fact, this rehearsal is the best high intensity bodybuilding movement for simultaneously adding size and shape to your biceps.

3. Dumbbell attentiveness Curls

As the name suggests, this rehearsal places concentrated resistance on the biceps when performed properly. Besides construction your biceps, this rehearsal also stresses and develops the brachialis. The brachialis is a true forearm flexor. It originates on the lower previous face of the humerus, ends on the previous face of the coronoid process of the ulna (the large bone on the inside of the forearm) and is graphic on the face of the upper arm in the middle of the biceps and the lateral head of the triceps. Development of the brachialis and biceps gives the front of your upper arms that thick, dense look that says "mess with me at your own risk!!"

4. Seated Alternating Dumbbell Curls

This rehearsal is one of the best biceps builders ever as long as you sit on a bench that has a back rest to prevent torso movement. Too many people do this rehearsal either standing or sitting on a bench without back support. In order to make sure that your biceps get the most work from this movement you must stabilize your torso so as to prevent any jerking motion. Also, remember to supinate your hands throughout each repetition to stimulate maximum increase for your biceps.

5. Ez Bar Triceps Extensions

This exercise, also known as "Skull crushers" is a terrifying mass-builder for your triceps. For maximum growth, Ez bar triceps extensions wish that you keep your upper arms in a position perpendicular (90 degrees) to the rehearsal bench throughout each repetition. If this position causes you any elbow strain or discomfort, you can lower the angle by arresting your arms slightly send to sell out the stress on your elbows. Don't worry - development this minor adjustment won't impede your quality to get the benefits of this exercise.

You should also place your hands in the narrow-grip position on the Ez bar which, when combined with allowable arm position, ensures that each triceps head receives maximum resistance throughout the rehearsal motion. Lower and expand the weight in a smooth, continuous petition without jerking or swinging the bar with your back or shoulders. When done correctly, you can't beat Ez bar triceps extensions for construction big, muscular triceps.

6. Triceps Pushups

You're probably customary with appropriate pushups which are performed with your arms in a shoulder width position. While appropriate pushups involve the triceps, chest and shoulders in the "pushing" motion, triceps pushups are designed to minimize chest and shoulder involvement so as to maximize training resistance on the triceps. This rehearsal is deceptively simple in that it appears to the untrained eye as just someone else pushup. But like every rehearsal on my Top 10 list, technique is very prominent and allowable hand position determines either these pushups will add muscular inches to your triceps.

For allowable performance, take a appropriate pushup position with your hands and arms extended and shoulder-width apart. Then slide your hands closer together until your thumbs nearly touch each other. This is the beginning position. With your hands in this position, gradually lower your arms underneath you and then push yourself back up to the beginning position as you would with quarterly pushups. Make sure that you keep your back level and your head up for maximum resistance on your triceps. As you expand your arms, consolidate mentally on maintaining allowable form and technique with each repetition. For added resistance or pyramid cycles, have a training buddy gradually place a 5-10 pound barbell plate on your back to force your triceps to work harder and build greater mass.

7. Seated Triceps Dips

Seated triceps dips are someone else terrifying triceps builder, yet I can count on one hand the amount of times I've seen whatever doing them in the gym. Maybe people ignore them because, like triceps pushups, they look too simple to do any good. Well, the proof, as they say, is in the pudding, and seated triceps dips have de facto added significant power and density to my triceps.

To do this exercise, sit on a workout bench with your legs together and extended on the floor in front of you. Your arms should be fully extended and shoulder-width apart behind you. Slide your body slightly send to suspend yourself so that your arms are bearing your bodyweight in the middle of the bench and the floor. With your arms extended, lower yourself as though to sit on the floor and then push yourself back up by extending your arms and returning to the beginning position. This exercise, when performed properly, will add gigantic power, shape and definition to your triceps - guaranteed!

8. Single-Arm Triceps Extension

The single-arm triceps extension, also known as the "French dumbbell press" is a triceps-builder that I propose primarily as a shaping movement. Although it is possible to build mass with this exercise, the over-head arm position may prevent you from using enough weight to originate the type of power and mass-building possible available from Skull crushers and triceps pushups. You should experiment with this rehearsal and use it in a manner that gives you the best results. But remember, I do not propose using heavy weight with this movement because of the risk of shoulder injury. Consistent use of light-to-moderate weight will provide the best results from this triceps builder.

9. Reverse-Grip Ez Bar Curls

This rehearsal puts customary stress on the brachioradialis and extensor muscles of the dorsal or outer face of your forearms. Since your hands are pronated in the narrow-grip position, your wrists are extended which troops involvement of the extensor carpi radialis and extensor carpi ulnaris. This pronated or "palms down" positioning of the hands also takes the biceps out of this exercise, which isolates the brachioradialis as the customary forearm flexor. If you're serious about construction big, muscular forearms, reverse-grip Ez bar curls are a good first step.

10. Wrist Curls

Wrist curls work to construct the two large muscles on the inside part of the previous face of the forearm. These muscles, the flexor carpi ulnaris and flexor carpi radialis, are the wrist flexors and consolidate to form a thick, muscular region from the elbow to the lower forearm. While these muscles do significant work during your biceps curling movements, wrist curls isolate these flexors so as to maximize resistance on this section of your forearms. If you want to add thickness and power to your inner forearms, heavy wrist curls will do the job.

So, there you have it - my Top 10 list of arm-building exercises for beginning bodybuilders. Try them, have fun with them, and make sure that you use safe amounts of weight and allowable training technique with every exercise. You'll be very happy with the results!

The 10 Best Arm building Exercises for starting Bodybuilders

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Friend Crush: Is This Love Or Friendship

The Friend Crush: Is This Love Or Friendship

He's your good friend. She's your best confidant. You have known each other for a few years and have shared meals, movies, hobbies and vacations. You have confided to each other about your newest love interest and turned to one an additional one for withhold when the relationship(s) failed. You can't dream life without your good friend.

The Friend Crush: Is This Love Or Friendship

The Friend Crush: Is This Love Or Friendship

The Friend Crush: Is This Love Or Friendship

The Friend Crush: Is This Love Or Friendship

The Friend Crush: Is This Love Or Friendship

But for a while....

You've felt jealous of his dates. You've been overprotective of her since she has been finding the jerk. You've been having
very strong feelings of attraction and a desire for something more than friendship. Could it be that your feelings for him/her have grown into something more? If so, your association may have developed into a "friend crush".

You don't know what to do. You know you want to continue spending time together- more time. But it's getting hard. You dream about having more with this someone and are beginning to feel like a jealous would-be partner. Do you pretend all is the same? Do you start distancing yourself- hoping your feelings will go back to the way they were? Do you surely Talk directly and surely with your friend about how you feel?

What will happen to the association if you make the Wrong choice?

Just as all citizen are unique, so are the characteristics of their relationships with others. There is no one-size-fits-all talk to this increasingly common dilemma. So, let's take a look at your options. You can:

* ignore your feelings, keep your boundaries in check and pretend all is status quo

In order to select this option, you must be able to deny your feelings so well that even you don't know what they are. You will also have to continue being comfortable on the sidelines while someone else has the association with this someone that you desire. You will most likely be asked what you think of this or that someone and be predicted to be happy and supportive of your friend when they meet the right someone for them. In return for all this, you will still have your friend.

* begin to spend less time with your friend (crush) while seeking out new friendships to pursue and strengthen

This selection will most likely cause blurring and hurt on the part of your friend who will wonder what happened. They may be understanding and accepting of your need to spread your wings and withhold you in doing what you need to do. Whether way, you will see less of them and your association can weaken and maybe disappear altogether as they move on with new people. If you can distance yourself for a while and no longer feel the romantic butterflies, you can all the time give them a call and may be able to pick up somewhere near where you left off.

* continue the association with your own secret agendas - a desire for romantic intimacy and the hope that the someone will comprehend that they feel the same way

If they become complex with someone else in the meantime, you can work to sabotage their new association or you can leave them wondering where all your anger and hurt feelings are advent from. You can spend a lot of time and power handling it this way, without anyone to show for your efforts but the loss of a good friend.

* have an open and honest argument with your friend about your new feelings for them

This is the selection that seems to be the hardest for folks to make. Often what I hear from citizen in this position is that they fear "ruining the friendship" if they discuss their feelings honestly. While this is a very understandable concern, it isn't well thought out. It is emotional, not rational. Look again at the other options. Every one will bring about a turn in your current friendship.


Once your feelings have changed, so does the relationship. Ignoring them, hiding them or distancing yourself will lessen your closeness and the confident dynamics that flow in the middle of good friends. You can't go back. You need to settle how you want to move transmit or if this is an selection for you. . It is also possible in selecting this selection that you will learn that they have similar feelings for you that they were afraid to reveal. Therefore selecting this selection could supervene in romance and a love association based on true friendship.

Intimacy exists in all close relationships. It is the quality to be fully open and vulnerable to an additional one without fear of harm or rejection. So, by definition, we cannot be intimate with an additional one while hiding or denying our true feelings and needs to them.

The selection will all the time be yours. selecting wisely is about surely knowing the options, the consequences they bring and what will be best for you and your friend.

The Friend Crush: Is This Love Or Friendship

Bunn Coffe Maker

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

How To Fix A Computer Crash

How To Fix A Computer Crash

If you run a pc operating system, you will need to know how to fix a computer crash. And trust me, not that I have whatever against pc's, because it what I use, but over 95% of the world uses it. And inevitably, you will crash your computer. So, we need to know how to fix it.

How To Fix A Computer Crash

How To Fix A Computer Crash

How To Fix A Computer Crash

How To Fix A Computer Crash

How To Fix A Computer Crash

You should be fully aware that your computer will crash. This means when you are working on it, you should all the time ensure you are rescue your work as you go. If you don't unmistakably plan on rescue the work, just temporarily, then it unmistakably does not matter what you call the file. Just don't forget the name. This ensures you will still have your work if your computer crashes.

Then it happens: automated restart, blue screen, of just locks up. All of these are problems with a computer crash. And luckily, you were rescue your data all along, so you still have it. But how do we fix the crashed computer?

First, try to reboot. If it reboots fine, then you have a qoute in your registry somewhere. Registry files tell the computer what to do, and if these are conflicting, or corrupt, then the computer does not know what to do. It panics, and crashes. You need to get these files fixed. Find a registry software fix and scan your computer. It will tell you if you have any errors. If you do, let the software fix them. Once fixed, your computer is good to go. I would also propose running this software weekly, as a computer maintenance item.

If you can not reboot, reboot in safe mode. This will allow the computer to start up without all of the bells and whistles. Then you can find a registry cleaner and fix the problems.

Basically, I believe most computer crashes occur due to a qoute in the computer's registry files. This is the first place I look, and run my software to fix them. And keeping the registry files fixed will help preclude you from request how to fix a computer crash.

How To Fix A Computer Crash

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What Are Campden Tablets?

What Are Campden Tablets?

Home winemakers will often come across an ingredient or additive called "Campden Tablets." What are they exactly, and when should you use them?

What Are Campden Tablets?

What Are Campden Tablets?

What Are Campden Tablets?

What Are Campden Tablets?

What Are Campden Tablets?

Originally industrialized in Campden, England at a laboratory that does food safety research, Campden Tablets are used for strict determination of the preservative sodium metabisulfite. They have been used for decades in home winemaking activities to forestall oxidation of wine and inhibit bacterial growth. As well, they can be used to make a sanitizing clarification for winemaking equipment.

Each tablet contains unquestionably 0.44 grams of sodium metabisulfite. Due to this precision, a home winemaker can with close accuracy conclude the exact estimate of sulfite being added to their wines or juices that are meant to be turned into wine. Generally, one tablet per gallon of wine is used when sulfite is called for. One tablet per gallon will contribute about 50 parts per million of sulfur dioxide.

However, this tablet form of sulfite is not without its drawbacks:

1. In order to be useful, the tablet needs to be finely crushed before it is can be added to the wine. Without crushing, the sodium metabisulfite will not dissolve very well and therefore will not add much protection. It also should be dissolved in a small estimate of warm water which is then added to the wine or juice.

2. Campden tablets comprise sodium metabisulfite which can be a qoute for those on a sodium restricted diet.

In home winemaking, this tablet form of sulfite is best used when production small batches of wine in one to three gallon sizes. Beyond that, the powder form of potassium metabisulphite is preferred. Although precision can only be obtained when using sensitive scales, measuring the powder in 1/4 teaspoon sizes is close enough for the results that are expected. As well, production sanitizing solutions with potassium metabisulfite is much easier than with Campden Tablets.

What Are Campden Tablets?

Digital Rice Cooker Food Steamer

Sunday, January 8, 2012

8 Reasons to Use a Can Crusher

8 Reasons to Use a Can Crusher

Make your life easier by buying a can crusher and using it to sell out the size of otherwise clunky beverages. Here's a handy list I threw together that just might sell you on the idea of adding one to your home.

8 Reasons to Use a Can Crusher

8 Reasons to Use a Can Crusher

8 Reasons to Use a Can Crusher

8 Reasons to Use a Can Crusher

8 Reasons to Use a Can Crusher

1. Can crushers will make you much more likely to recycle your used beverages. Not only will you be doing right by the environment here, but you'll make some extra money in the process.

2. A can crusher can be certainly fun for children to use. Many kids love the satisfaction that comes with smashing a used can of cola.

3. They originate your space by minimizing clutter. Think of the mess that's made when a complete 24 pack of drinks is sitting on a counter. The can crusher can minimize the space very significantly, freeing up room for more important things.

4. It helps to keep your kitchen clean. The sticky remnants of any drinks can certainly attract insects or rodents. A crushed can makes it much harder for whatever to way these cans and the odors won't trip as far since everything is compact.

5. Can crushers are certainly cheap. Some of them can be bought for as low as 10 dollars per unit, so there's no excuse when it comes to affordability.

6. An electric can crusher makes things even easier. Do you grow tired of the by hand work that comes with crushing used cans? Then go electric and make the job even easier on yourself.

7. There are can crusher units that can take care of up to 6 or more at a time. This saves valuable time and makes everything even easier for you.

8. Recycling will be an easier process altogether when it comes to dropping the stuff in the machine. This should save loads of time off the total process since you can certainly way handfuls of cans at once.

8 Reasons to Use a Can Crusher

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