Can Crusher 12 Ounce OZ

Can Crusher 12 Ounce OZ

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Keep Your Aluminum and Steel Cans Out of Landfill Sites

Every year thousands upon thousands of tons of trash is poured into landfills. Though we are in no danger of running short on landfill space, this is costly in terms of space, time, and power invested, along with the sheer waste of materials that will not ever be used again. With that in mind, reconsider the reasons below for retention your steel and aluminum cans out of landfill sites by recycling them instead.

1. Aluminum that has been recycled is used for new projects within a integrate of months. On the other hand, it would take 200-500 years for that same to break down simply in a landfill.

Can Crusher

2. Recycled aluminum and steel are no different in compound from 'new' aluminum and steel. Recycled metals are simply melted down and then forged into new products.

Keep Your Aluminum and Steel Cans Out of Landfill Sites

3. Metal cans can be recycled for cash at many places. Any states offer five cents per can recycled, and definite centers offer between a dollar and two dollars per pound of cans recycled.

4. Recycling is about more than just material savings, it is also about power consciousness. Every aluminum can which is recycled saves enough power to run a television for 3 hours.

5. The 100,000,000 'new' steel cans made on a daily basis comprise 25% recycled materials. That equates to 25 million reclaimed cans vs. 75 million completely new cans. If more habitancy recycled, that number could indeed come to be 50-50 and a great deal of power and resources would be saved.

6. There are multiple can-crushing machines on the shop that can be used to make the job easier, together with some that can be made at home for almost no cost. This removes the a commonly used excuse that recycling cans takes up too much space.

Keep Your Aluminum and Steel Cans Out of Landfill Sites

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